
We are a group of volunteers on a mission to support local conservation efforts and education. 

Organizational Stewardship

  •  Held Annual Retreat focusing on 2010 Strategic Planning,
  •  Worked with a local artist for development of logo
  •  Developed a vision statement.
  •  Established Goals and a work plan to include a 5-year plan to address: Board Development, Public Relations, Advanced Grant Procedures, and Streamline Fundraising.

Long Term Vision

  • Outreach:
    To inspire and mobilize Yamhill region residents to be knowledgeable advocates for the protection and restoration of healthy waters, lands, and wildlife.
  • Funding Education Outreach:
    To support and fund education and outreach about healthy waters, land, and wildlife in the Yamhill Region.
  • Organization Sustainability:
    To obtain steady funding for YWSF staff, office, and programs; sufficient community involvement to achieve the Work Plan; and active volunteers and partnerships within our region.

Your contributions to the YWSF are tax deductible to the full extent of the law, Federal ID # 75-31749000.